
How can I tell if I have Type 1 diabetes? ?

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What are the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes? I can't got to the doctor for a little bit (hard to explain) so I was wondering if there are noticeable symptoms




  1. the best thing to confirm your blood sugar levels is by doing a blood works on you paticularly the FBS(Fasting Blood Sugar) .normal levela are between 90-110.if sugar level is elevated you might have diabetes.type 1 is an isulin dependent DM, meaning hig blood sugar level is detected in your body.usually more than 250.some S/SX are frequent urination,feeling of hunger even after food intake,feeling of thirst,weigt best advice is  book an appointment with your doctor to confirm your doubts regarding your health.the sooner the reminded that if diabetes is not detected earlier complications may arise such as neuropathies,peripheral vascular disease,retinopathy,nephropathy,cardiova... disease,stroke.

  2. Going to the bathroom frequently, increased thirst, increased ability to be irritated, sleeping more, feeling tired, WEIGHT LOSS regardless of how much you eat.

    Watch your weight within the next week or so, and how much you drink, those are the most notable symptoms of type 1 diabetes.

    Plus, are you young?  Type 1 tends to strike in young people.

  3. drinking a lot of water

    losing a lot of weight in a short period of time

    and having a bad atitude

  4. If this is a recent problem, most likely you do not have type 1 diabetes. Type one is a juvenile onset. Most likely you might be experiencing type 2 which is adult onset and can or can not be insulin dependent.

    Symptoms can include, urinating frequently, unquechable thirst, gaining or losing unexplained weight. Feeling lethargic and want to sleep a lot along with increased appetite. Sores, especially on your extremities especially your toes, heels or ankles that do not heal or remain infected. Numbness in your hands or toes. Changes in eye sight.

      Regardless, you need to see a doctor asap, not treating diabetes can lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness, coma from blood sugar being too high or too low and death.

  5. peeing alot.

    eating alot.

    drinking water alot.

  6. laura has listed some of the syptoms, but the only way to be diagnosed is to go to the doctor and have a urinalysis, and possible blood work (depending on your doctor).

  7. -going to the bathroom frequently

    -feeling extremely tired

    -weight loss

    -unquenchable thirst

    -possibly vomiting ( from ketones)

    you really need to get to the doctor because you can become dangerously dehydrated and could end up in the hospital for up to a week. trust me

  8. Unquenchable thirst with frequent urination and weight loss. The Ancient Romans diagnosed it by placing a urine sample outdoors and if it attracted flies (if you're an undiagnosed diabetic, your urine has sugar in it), they knew you were diabetic.

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