
How can I tell if he likes me?

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Okay so there is this guy. I have known him ever since the 5th grade, and when ever I would walk home he would run behind me to catch up to me and talk to me. We were friends. We talked a lot about, well everything, but mostly he asked me for advice. And I gave it to him. And vise vera as the years went on. And in 7th grade he was still chasing after me and talking to me and stuff. I sort of grew this really big crush on him. And in 8th grade his friend told me that he liked me. Didn't really think much of it because whenever we were with other people he would be kind of mean, but when we were alone he was so sweet and smart and not as big of a jerk. But the thing is, he cares too much about what other people think, do you think that he hasn't made his move because he doesn't want his friends to give him a hard time? Should I just forget about him?




  1. WELL if he's young then chance is he's not serious...he might just have a crush on you but nothing serious where he would risk asking you out, or he would have already. He might just be shy and only you know that. is he a shy person? bashful around you and around his friends? maybe he acts mean to hide his feelings from you and his friends in fear he might look whimpy.

    something tells me he's really immature thought...ALWAYS, and i do mean always, keep your eyes one this can just be an illusion and there might be another guy out there for you.

    (hope that helped a tiny whiny bit)

  2. dont forget about him just yet. he most definitely likes you a lot.  he just needs to learn that he should only care what you think not what they think.  trust me from experience. if you only go by what other people think you will never be happy. try telling him about how you feel. and tell him what i said.  hope this helps

  3. if hees embarrassed 2 b around u in pulbic, but like u otherwise, then hees not worth it.  

  4. ya forget him ya i know its hard or i think u should straight up tell him that u like him and see where things go and if he rejects u just really forget about him.

  5. I've been there, so many times; and I still am going through it.

    I know a few guys like that. It's good for experiece. I have seen WAY too many movies so my ideal guy is sweet, NOT A JERK, smart etc.

    They can change, espically if you play hard to get. But then you end up not liking them, yet you teach them a lesson. Boys will do whatever it takes to get whatever they want.

    I have been playing with this guy named Zach...Hes JUST like they boy you explained when he is with his friends. If he can't treat you with respect with friends then that is rude and no girl should be treated like that.

    I know you like him and all, and it is hard trying to get over someone like that but It'll work. It's good practice for the future and for some friends, but honestly i don't think he is the right guy. Just play a little and see if he changes, then email me :) and ill help you for further instruction if needed! (:

  6. hey thanx for answering my model question! Trust me he likes you.  hes just a little bit scared that you might not like him, so hes just trying not to be vulnerable to rejection.  thats just like how i was.  tell him you like him and if he is cool with that then you need to tell him to lighten up a bit with the rude stuff.  just tell him... the biggest regrets in life are the risks we never took : ) good luck!

  7. i think that he likes u but he isn't feel comfort to show it to public ( i mean his friend) because i guess he doesn't like if his friend star to teased him..that's why..

    so, just continue..but dont hope 100% on him , ok.

  8. maybe, he likes you...

    and he's just shy to confess his feelings 2 you,..

  9. Ya I think you should...

    I used to like this guy and he liked me too but he acted just like your friend did. Now, my guy and I don't even talk to each other.

    I know it'll be hard, but you have to try to forget or something.

    Maybe you can ask your friend why he's being like that.

    You know...have a little talk...

    Good luck!

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