
How can I tell if my baby knows his name?

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My baby is now 10 months old and I don't know if he knows his name. Sometimes he will look at you if you say his name. Other times you say it a bunch of times and he won't look at you. I can't tell if he is just ignoring me or what! He was also 2 months premature so his developmental has been a little off anyway! Any ideas would be wonderful!




  1. By ten months old, he should be recognizing his own name. He should come toward you or at least look your way if you call him.  

  2. When you talk to your sister or brother first always tell her name

  3. Your baby knew his name since birth. If you talked to him since birth and called out his name since birth, then he knows. and he reconizes your voice

  4. Ah, this is a very interesting question. I`ve got a `Little Princess` of 7 months plus. When I called her name she response by uttering, ``Eh?!``. That`s very interesting!

    Three months ago, friends and neighbours could carry her around in their arms. Oh, now, `No! Oh, No! No! No!` She knows how to distinguish her parents and her own house.

    What I feel delightful is, she knows how to exclaim loud and clear:

    ``Papa! Papa! Papa!`` and ``Mama! Mama! Mama!``

  5. Oh yeah he understands. My daughter was the same way. She was just occupied with something else and ignored me. I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep trying to get his attention

  6. they all do that!

  7. My sons 6 months old and he knows his name, just sometimes hes so busy with what hes doing I guess he doesn't have time for me haha... I'm sure your son knows his name if he looks at you when he calls it, he's just busy at times and chooses not to answer to it!

  8. LOL! kids are so cute!! it's called selective listening! get use to it!!! haha!! no i bet he knows his name!! you can tell if you say hey "his name" and he looks at you, or if anyone says his name!! but i think he should know his name by now!! if you refer to him as his name a lot when your talking to him or about him, that will help too!! kids and babies are so smart!! I think some people don't give them enough credit!!

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