
How can I tell if my chess set is real Ebony or just Ebonized wood?

by Guest56249  |  earlier

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Can't use density, the pieces are weighted.

Don't know the price.




  1. Do what Archimedes did to find out if the kings crown was made of gold. Find out the density of a known piece of ebony and then compare it to your chess piece.

  2. It is not necessary to go measure water volumes and find specific gravities and all that other Archimedes stuff.  

    Carefully REMOVE the weight and put the chess piece in water.  If it is real ebony,  it will sink.   (Real Ebony weights about 65 pounds per cubic foot.  Water is 62.5 pounds per cubic foot.)    

    Make sure you dry it real well before putting the weight back in and sealing up the bottom.

  3. You can tell by how much you paid for it.  A real Ebony chess set will be a couple of hundred dollars and higher.

  4. Dave, answer #5 for voters, nailed it.

    Try it with the weight in first.  If the bottom sinks and the top tries to float it is wood.  Try it on it's side.  If it stands up it is wood.

    If it doesn't that proves or disproves nothing.  Try Dave's idea then.

  5. According to a friend of mine who is a professional French Polisher, Ebony doesn't have a grain to it - or if it does it isn't discernible. Presumably ebonised wood does have a grain?

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