
How can I tell if my cockitiel is a boy or girl?

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Here is a discription of my bird i got it about 6 months ago. sometime in november or late october. i named her polly. but now im not sure. polly would also be cute for a boy too right? Polly sings all the time. she learns quick from me. she knows how to whistle from me and do this other pattern like tttttttt with ur tongue hitting the back of your teeth. Polly is gray and white on her feathers. And yellow on her head going to grey on her neck. with medium orange spots. i just checked and underneath her wings is all grey but on top is all grey on both sides with one large bar of white and like a spot attached??? a weird pattern. and its a think line with some white bar stuff going out???? i got her in 2007 late october or soemtime in november. plerase help and sorry i could not attach a photo. and give me more signs of what s*x she is. thank you




  1. When it comes to birds, the only way to determine gender is to either put it in a cage with others and see if it gets pregnant or makes others pregnant, or take it in for a blood test that'll determine the gender.

  2. your bird isnt female its male. thats why it whistles alot. one question though so we can be 100% sure but look under the tail has it got baring? or is it just plain. if its barred then its female if not then it is male. males also have an all yellow face with the orange cheek patches as for the females you can see little bit of yellow on the face,

    ladycockatiel. hen tiels can still whistle but they dont whistle as much as males do.

  3. Ask it.  They talk you know.

  4. Behaviorally Polly sounds like a male.   Is Polly's head bright yellow or dull yellow?  If bright yellow Polly is most likely a male if dull yellow most likely a female.   Also look under the tail feathers Polly is old enough that if a female she will have structural barring on the tail feathers if a male he will not.

  5. i would say a male but to be absolutely sure get a blood test/sexed.

  6. She actually sounds more like a male.  The males are normally the ones who learn vocalizations, though there are exceptions.  With the normal grey (and whiteface, but yours isn't that) mutation, which is mostly grey except for the yellow head with orange cheeks (the yellow is dull in the females) and those white bars on the wings, the males get the bright yellow heads and lose the barring on the underside of the tail.  Basically, they look like this:

    And if you ever play Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, I think you'll find that Polly (Apollo's nickname) is a cute name for a male cockatiel.

  7. You definently have a male cockatiel. Only male cockatiels will whistle tunes, and only male cockatiels will have all yellow or white faces without any grey unless the male is a dirty face pied who will have gray on the face but still whistle tunes. Female cockatiels will only tweet, and most females have grey faces.

    You can go here to LEARN the gentics of cockatiels and what you may get if you breed your cockatiels too.

  8. The orange their face. Light color orange , it's a female, bright color orange its a male

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