
How can I tell if my dog is pregnant?

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Well before you say I am irresponsible.. I have two dogs a male and a female.. My male dog was neutered about a year ago. I have not taken my female dog to get spayed yet. Well about a month ago I saw my dog trying to mount my other dog.. well long story short... my female dog's tummy and teats now look swallow and big.. could she be pregnant?.... and oh yeah no access to any other dogs...




  1. Sounds like a false pregnancy which displays all the signs of a real pregnancy. Take her to the vet to be checked out and then make an appointment to have her spayed.

  2. never underestimate a determined dogs ability to procreate... they can do it through fences.   AT any rate take to the vet and they should be able to confirm at 30 days or so.  

    I want to recommend a book to you as it is good for learning about stuff like this.

    EDIT TO ADD... there are false pregnancies and I doubt that it is from your neutered dog.. there is very small rate of failure in neutering

    Breeding a Litter prenatal and postnatal care

    my blog:

  3. I guess there is always the possibility.  However, often dogs have phantom pregnancies.  They get all of the symptoms.. but they are not actually pregnant.  

  4. If she wakes u up at 3am in the morning asking for dill pickles dipped in chocolate, she is pregnant !

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