
How can I tell if my friend is bi-polar?

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One minute she is bouncing off the walls happy, next minute she is pouting, crying or is angry. She has the littlest things set her off. For example she was visably upset because we were leaving the water slides around 6:00pm, when it was closing shortly. The woman is nearly 30 years old! I know she has a problem with alcohol and does (recreationally?) use coke. She's on meds from her therapist, but, man, is that working? Is it a combo of depression, drugs, issues? I need to understand so I don't become the 27 year old professional who punched her friend in the face. :)




  1. What are you doing hanging out with scum like that ?

  2. The woman is nearly 30 years old has an alcohol problem and uses coke while she is taking meds from her therapist.... hmmm.

    What I say is you cannot help someone who is self medicating.  Not until she grows up and stops with the alcohol and coke will she be able to do something about her mood swings.

  3. Sounds a lot like my ex gf.  She was diagnosed once as being bipolar, but after begin with her for a couple years it really seemed more like she was borderline.  She also abused alcohol, etc.  Whatever it's called, she has it.  Mentally ill people can destroy those who care for them emotionally, mentally, and physically.  I know you call her your friend, and you're concerned enough about her to ask about it here.  The thing is, she's got issues, she's not going to change (maybe for a little bit, but she'll never be "cured").  Watch out for yourself that her problems don't started affecting you too much.

  4. mixing anti depressants, drugs and alcohol will really mess with her.

  5. Well, I have bipolar and I can be like that. My moods and emotions or view on things can change within minutes. And like your friend, little things can set me off too. If I see someone acting like an idiot on tv, I get enraged, I don't know why, then I feel guilty for feeling that way. So it's easy for me to understand what your friend is going through. But, just to be sure, maybe you should help her with the alcohol and everything. Drugs and alcohol are not a good combination. If she gets help and stays sober and she seems calmer or like a different person after all that, you'll know it was the alcohol/drugs.

    But please be kind. I know it can be very frustrating. My family gets really sick of me sometimes, I know they do. But they still manage to put up with me and show me love. It's not easy living with a mental illness. Everyone else complains about being around them, but at least they can walk away from them. People with these problems can't run away from themselves. Just try and put yourself in her shoes before you do something you regret.

    Good luck and God Bless =)

  6. Only a doctor can properly diagnose someone.  It could be linked with another mental illness and you don't know.  Just be there for her.

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