
How can I tell if my friend likes me more than a friend?

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I'm a guy and i've been friends with this girl for years now. Over the last year i've slowly become strongly attracted to her. We text each other on a daily basis, and she always play hits me on my shoulder and shows signs of maybe liking me? The closest i've ever been to her is when we watch movies on the couch together but only like our legs will touch. I've never done anything physically with her, I just need to know what to look for to show me she likes me so I can decide whether or not to make a move... Thanks By the way i'm 21 and she's 18




  1. Watch for what she does when shes around you, if she bites her lip, plays with her hair, looks at you even when you arent looking at her, that sort of stuff. Also if she tries to make up excuses to be close to you. If you still cant figure it out then I would just suggest you ask her, just be like 'I was there any chance that you like me as more of friend?'. I was in the same situation once except I was the girl that was three years younger and my best friend was the older guy but it still worked out.

  2. People, both girls and guys, show affection in different ways, there are no exact signs, but for girls, they tend to find themselves looking at him more often than normal, whatever he say is found a little more interesting or funny, and they just like to be around the other person. If you could find a non-awkward way to ask her if she likes you, that might be a good way to find out, I just can't think of any right now, sorry!

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