
How can I tell if my hermit crab is dead or molting?

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I've had my crab for about 3 weeks now, unfortunately I don't know how old he was when I purchased him. He used to be really active and strong, running around and such. Lately, I haven't watched him much because I've been occupied but I've been changing the water and food everyday. For the past 3 days, I've been checking on him and yesterday I noticed that his big claw fell off. My friend told me that he may be molting so I left him alone. I was changing the water today and I noticed that he was upside down and I don't know if that's a part of molting. I know I wasn't supposed to disturb him but to make sure, I lifted him up and he didn't move and suddenly, one of his legs fell off and I noticed his small claw fell off as well. I put him in a separate place for him to stay if he is molting because I don't want to throw him away if he isn't dead. How long should I wait before disposing of him and how do I know he's just molting or if he died? :S




  1. two words.

    the vet.

    good luck

    with your

    hermit crab.

    i hope its

    alive and

    its alright


    edit; the vet might not take hermit crabs.

    just go though incase they do.

  2. i dont think they fall off i bet hes dieing if i was you id kill him....put him outta his misery

  3. Poke him with a toothpick.

  4. well i would check the food/water to see if he has been eating or drinking any water. usually hermit crabs can be pretty shy...i would leave him alone for a little while..and sadly if he did die he will smell really bad and when you pick up the shell he will fall of luck!

  5. Parts falling off is a part of molting sometimes. To know if your crab is dead you need to see if it smells musty! If it does not smell musty it is probably molting!

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