
How can I tell if my horse needs her teeth floated?

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I just got her and I tried to look at her teeth but she does not like it at all. thanks




  1. I heard that if the pits above their eyes are really sunken in, it's time to get their teeth done. Don't know if it's true, just a thing I heard.

    Is she off her feed? Do you notice a lot of solid oats or hay strands in her manure? Does she throw her head around or act uncomfortable when she has a bit in her mouth? Does she pull really hard for no apparent reason? Does she keep her head tilted to one side? All of these  *could* be signs that she needs her teeth done. If you're in doubt, get them checked.

  2. There are various signs of a horse needing to be floated - one of the first signs is dropping feed (obvious weight loss)!  Others that I watch for, is resisting bridling, stiffness in turning one way, front end stops, resisting using both leads, head tossing, even some head shyness.  You can check the TMJ muscle by putting slight pressure on the sockets over the eye - if there is pain - you may need to have a dentist come out to check issues with the teeth and TMJ muscle!

    Better safe then sorry!

  3. I can always tell by if my horse is dropping ALOT of food when he's eating. Just go check on her, and if she is dropping a lot of food as she chews, I'd take her to the vet, and let him have a look.

  4. you can look at her teeth the ones you can see- theres teeth way up in their jaw line that you cant see unless shes sedated or a very very very calm horse..anyway look for unevenness , jagged edges, etc also watch for the way she chews her food and if as much falls out of her mouth as shes eating shes in need of a floating..the best thing would be to take her to the vet so they can really get a good look..and if she needs it they will grind down the edges so she can chew evenly...

  5. check when she eats to see shes not dropping her feed on the floor or spitting it out.

  6. Stick your index finger in the mouth and run it along the edge of the top teeth, along the cheek.  If you feel sharp points poking your finger, those are called "hooks" and it is a good idea to get them floated off.

  7. You should have her looked at by your vet, who can also show you how to check the teeth yourself in the future.  If the horse is spilling it's feed as it chews it, that is a sign that the teeth need floating.

  8. Watch her when she eats. If there is a lot of food falling out of her mouth, she probably needs them done. Another indicator is if the horse is dunking her food in the water trough when she eats. If your horse is doing either of those you should have someone or your vet stick their fingers back there and find out, but if your horse isn't having trouble eating or dropping weight, you're probably ok until you see the vet next time he's out.

  9. If you just got her, you should bring the vet (along with the farrier) in anyway to make sure she's healthy. The vet will float her teeth. You can also tell if your horse needs it's teeth floated if she's having trouble eating.

  10. #1/  Weight loss

    #2/  Dropping saliva soaked grain out of their mouth while eating

    #3/  Extra wasted grain on the ground after feeding

    Take your fingers and go around on the top and bottom and on the sides and you can usually feel where things are not matching, where something it higher or more pointy than in other places.  

    #4/  When the vet says it's time for their teeth to be floated...

  11. I am really glad you asked this because you just sparked a light bulb on a problem we hadn't figured out. I have a mare who despite upping her feed and nutrient level is still not gaining weight. We have wormed her, vet checked her, and the one thing we forgot to do was check her teeth! I called the vet back up after seeing this and he came back to check and sure enough her teeth were definitely ready to be done according to him. I am hoping this will clear up our problem!

  12. A vet will be able to tell you there opinion on her teeth. Also if she is under weight it could be because she has pain when eating or bec. her teeth are not sharp enough.

    hope this helps...please best answer!

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