
How can I tell if my rat is definately pregnant?

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My little female rat (around four months old) appears to be pregnant, due to her rapid increase in size, increased appetite and the fact that her nipples were showing. I have separated her from the other rats and placed her in her own cage, with plenty of nesting materials etc... She has been in her own cage for a week now, and I have noticed that her nipples are becoming less and less noticeable again, although she continues to grow in size around the abdomen area. Her behaviour has also changed in the last few days and she has become very overly affectionate, l*****g my fingers frantically every time I put my hand in the cage. Due to this I am now in some speculation as to whether she is pregnant or not. Is there any other signs or ways of telling if she is actually pregnant, and if she is how far along she might be.




  1. If you did not actually see the rats mating, predicting delivery dates can be a bit tricky. Most females start to show a growing belly by the third week of pregnancy. Some are quite sneaky, especially if they have rather rounded figures to begin with, and don’t show until a few days before delivery. Also many pregnant does begin to show obvious nipples by the third week, so that's another sign of probable pregnancy. If your rat has not delivered babies within 3.5 to 4 weeks of suspected mating, you’re in the clear.

    Their gestiation period is for 21-23 days so try putting some soft beddnig material in and see if she makes a nest. She may look like she is eating it but she is really storing it in her cheek pouches to carry back into the nest.

    Then she will possibly be pregnant, but it is best to treat them as if they are pregnant just to be on the safe side.

    When was the last time she has encountered a male?

  2. Generally, pregnant rats will have baby rats.

  3. Rats have a pretty short gestation period. If your rat gains an excessive amount of weight over a week or two, she is probably pregnant. Make sure she has plenty of bedding, water, and food. Play with her, but don't get offended if she starts to be standoff-ish, this is normal. From the time she looks close to delivery until the babies are about four weeks old, make sure they have a cage to themselves. Unlike hamsters, rats make very good mothers and will take good care of the kittens. If needed, other females will rarely ever harm a baby and will most often help raise them.

    Rats can get pregnant when they are only four weeks old. Gestation is about 24 days. Rats can give birth to between 6 and 18 babies in one litter, and can get pregnant within a few hours of giving birth. A rat can have a dozen babies . Rats generally should be left alone to deliver and clean their rats, but you should call a vet if she is in labor for more than two hours. If any babies are delivered dead it is normal for the mother to eat it(ewww!). If she does not, you should remove the stillborn when she begins nursing the rest of the litter.

  4. Ok I haven't had a rat before but this is what we did with our dog.

    If you could pick her up carefully and cuddle her and stuff, then maybe feel her stomach, you might feel bumping or movement. Thats the babies!

    I would probably put another female in there for a few days to keep her company, rats need a companion. Also give her some hard boiled egg, she needs alot of protein when shes prego.

    Good luck!

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