
How can I tell if my snake has mites

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I was given a ball python. I don't know much about them other than a few articles I read on the internet. He has a few rough spots. I read online that they can get mites. Does anyone know how I could tell if it had mites?





  1. Hold him in a white towel or paper towel and let him crawl through it.  You can see the mites on the towel.  Look closely at his skin and you can see little black dots.  Often they will soak in their bowls a lot if mite infested.  They are common in ball pythons.  Here's a site that can help:

  2. the mite spray jarret is probably talking about is reptile relief (it is the only one that is totally safe for reptiles).  that is how i get rid of mites but i do not use the bleach water to clean out the cage after.  i clean the cage with the reptile relief and wipe it down real good with a towel.  i let it "air out" for about 30 minutes before putting all the substrate and other cage furnishings back in.  also while you are cleaning your tank put all the cage furnishings in water deep enough to cover them completely and let them soak for a while.  any driftwood in the tank i would bake at 325 F for about 2 or 3 hours and let cool completely before putting back in the tank.

  3. Mites can be common in any snake. There is no certain species of snake that is more susceptible to having mites. Mites are obtained from unclean pet shops and stores.

    If you notice that your ball python is constantly resting in the water bowl (which is something you should be providing) this may be an indication. Remove the snake from the water and inspect the bowl. You should be able to see little black dots in the water if your snake does indeed have mites.

    Also depending upon your cage setup, you may be able to tell. Of course if you are using any type of bark you are going to have a very hard time at finding any mites.

    Whether or not you can find any mites, if you are suspicious, I would advise to treat him for an infection anyways. You can find sprays at your local pet stores. Remove everything from the cage and follow the directions on the mite spray.

    If you are using a type of bark, get rid of it and replace it immediately. While you are doing all this, place your ball python in luke warm water and let it soak. This should kill off some of the mites.

    You can usually spray the mite spray into a towel and let your snake crawl through the towel while gently squeezing the towel against the snake. I would do this at least twice to be extra sure.

    You can also use a mixture of hot water and a tiny bit of bleach after using the mite spray on the cage as an extra measure. Make sure that you give plenty of time for the cage to air out if you decide to use this method.

  4. i have battled and battled mites. i brought one snake home and that infected my entire collection. eventually the snakes can die from stress and blood loss. i have tried every remedy and nothing worked. i found a vet that would give them an ivermectin shot and that wiped them out. wiping them down with ivermectin did not work.

  5. you will see tiny black things crawling around his scales

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