
How can I tell if my undersized Charleston Grey watermelons are ripe?

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I have two vines and only one melon on each. The melons were both first seen about 4 weeks ago. They have grown to about 15 inches long and have a traditional watermelon shape but don't appear to have gotten any larger in the past week and a half.

How can I tell if the watermelon is ripe? On one, the dark and light colors are starting to blend. Should I check the tendrils near the melon to see if they are brown?





  1. Yep, check the tendrils. then roll them over and see if the pale patch on the bottom has gone from white to pale yellow. Watermelon will stop growing in size and then start producing the sugars we all want. give it a thump, just like in the store, for that nice, hollow sound.The stem on watermelon will not "slip" like other melons.

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