
How can I tell if my yorkie is pregnant? Other than her nipples being swollen they did that through her heat ?

by  |  earlier

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Her Nipples were swollen her whole heat and she is still bleeding. I am not trying to breed her. I want to get her spayed but she went into heat so soon I didn't have time.




  1. Take her to the vet and have her spayed, tell them she may be pregnant.

  2. if you spay her and she is pregnant she will lose the pups, its like the human equivilent of an abortion, if you dont want the pups get her spayed asap so that they dont develope too much. i suggest you take her to the vets and ask them to take a look at her, then decide. however i think that if she is bleeding she wont be pregnant.

  3. Just take her to the vet.

  4. The only way to tell is to take her to the vet. Schedule a spay as soon as possible.

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