
How can I tell if something is recyclable?

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My boss purchased a recycling bin because we go through plastic plates and utensils like crazy. We all washed our plastic plates today and one of the women said they weren't recyclable because they didn't have the recycling logo on them - so they all went into the trash anyway. To be honest, I think the lady just didn't want to be bothered and thinks we're all silly for trying to recycle. (She's older than everyone else in the office.) This is something I would have recycled at home. Is this true? If there is no logo - does that mean the item is not recyclable? Thanks!




  1. if it is an biodegradable thing....

  2. I haven't been able to find an answer for that. May I suggest investing in reusabel plates or at least switch to compostable plates and utensils.

    I put a link to some information on starting an office recycle program.

  3. That is true.  If you want to find out for yourself go to the webpage for your municipality and find the link for garbage and recycling.  You will find the information you are looking for there.

  4. Life sure is getting complex

  5. If there is no logo, you are not suppose to recycle them.  If you do, it will just get sorted out by hand when it arrives at a recycling plant.  Also the recycle logo is not regulated by law meaning it doesn't always mean its recyclable or has any recyclable material.  And remember always trash dirty or stained napkins, pizza boxes, plastic plates, newspaper and the like because they can NO longer be recycable.

  6. Some items like the utensils may be recyclable but not have the logo on the actual product iteself but on the package instead.

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