
How can I tell if the man I'm with loves me and wants to get married to me? I really want to know.

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so I can be sure if he really is the one?




  1. You should know if he is the one. Do you think about him and miss him when he is gone? Do you love being with him? Ask you self if he is the one and your heart will tell you.  

  2. Don't we all want to know this my friend, don't we all.

    Sorry to say, but if we could answer questions like these, there wouldn't be a need for divorce court.

    At the risk of being "unromantic", we can't answer questions of the heart scientifically or logically.  Sorry, but only YOU are best qualified to make the decision about who is right for you.  Although I could give my personal opinion, I can't guarantee it would work or be best for someone else.  People & their relationships are just too complex to have "one size fits all" answers.

    I can sympathize with the difficulty of finding answers to this, but the best I can do is encourage you to figure out what works for YOU and support you in your decision.    

  3. when you know, you know

  4. If he DOES love you, he would have the balls to tell you he does.  A man who loves himself and is confident (but not cocky) in himself, he can love you.  But give him time... guys can be shy.  If you love HIM, you would wait for him and have patience.  

    I wouldn't be anxious on the marriage thing though. DEFINITELY make sure you know each other well enough and truely before you ever make a big decision like that.. remember.. it's the rest of your life!  

  5. You'll just know. You won't feel like you have to be reassured by others. He will prove himself as should you by putting you before himself and loving you unconditionally.  

  6. You should find the one you love the most in return, or else you won't respect the relationship since you don't love him

  7. Does the sound of his voice make you smile?  When you guys are a part do you think of him?  ask your self this, you are the only person that knows whether or not he is the one.  if you have any doubts at all dont go through with it wait.  Are you sure your ready cause it sounds to me like in the back of your head your not sure.  If you really have to ask yourself if the man your going to marry is the one then maybe your not ready cause you should really know that.  if your man just doesnt really say it or express it then you need to talk to him just for you to have a peace of mind.  (or maybe your just nervouse cause your big day is comming up) whatever it is i suggest that you think and you think fast cause you are not going to want to marry a guy that you are not sure about cause that is going to lead straight to divorce.    

  8. Talk to him! I suppose it depends partly on how long you have been together and how well you know each other, but you KNOW if you love him. If you're concerned about whether or not he loves you, then ask him if he would consider marrying you and if he will ever propose. No need to be pushy about it, but you have a right to know if the relationship is going anywhere. Or just tell him 'I love you' one day, after he gives you a kiss. If you guys are already telling each other 'I love you' then my guess is you probably love each other! :-)

  9. stop having s*x and he would run away if he is not interested in marriage, or just ask him. If he says yes, then don`t waste time and get married within that week, if he starts talking sweet and says he will do one day, then find another man.

  10. If he loves you, he will show in his actions and words.  For example, in his actions he might be especially considerate towards you. He might treat you like a princess. Think about what he says, does it include you in his future? Does he ever talk about having a family together? These are just examples, I think you would be the better judge.  

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