
How can I tell if this cat already has a home?

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This young female cat started coming around about a week ago. I would say she is maybe 5 months old. She is really thin and has no collar or tag. I been putting food out for her everyday and she emptiess the bowl.

this little girl has grown on me and I would love to take her in but I am not sure if she belongs to someone. I live in a busy city beside busy roads. I can not understand why anyone would have an outdoor cat here anyways.If they do , the cat should have a tag!

If you were me would you take her in or try to find out were she came from first?

IMO if she does have a home it may not be the best because she is really thin!




  1. take her in, she will adapt quickly if you treat her nice and feed her good, she needs a home, she shouldn't be running loose in a busy area. If she has a home, they don't need her anyways because they should be taking better care of her, if you want to make sure she's safe and gets fed nice then take her, its the best thing to do, her family might not be treating her right. also if she smells like a house, or a human scent (you know how old people all smell the same lol), then she has a home, if she smels like out doors then most likley she doesn't..

    by the way, ppl don't own cats, cats own ppl...  which means she probably wants you to be her human (haha)

  2. Well ypu shoul find out first, for security

    and if the searching fail, then keep it and put it a tag.

    So if the real owner appear, he may be confuse if it was his/her. whatever.

    anyway hope I helpeed

  3. The cat is thin and is coming back to you. Which means, he is lost and will be really hard to find his owner (if he has one) or he doesn't have one, and is adopting YOU.

    Busy city and busy roads means the cat is probably an indoor cat (if he had an owner) and is long gone because he wasnt used to the outdoors.

    The cat would have a tag if she belonged to someone, well someone who cared.

    So I would put up posters, but most likely planning on keeping the little guy.

    Just make sure that YOU put tags up.

    And you are right, if he did have a home, they would have cared more for him.

    Make sure you get all the neccessary items for a new cat before you take him in.

  4. Well if she did have a home sounds to me like there not taking very good care of her if shes under weight. I would take her in before a car gets her. Also you could take her picture and put of some flyers if it would make you feel better.

  5. Take her in and put up signs; if no one responds, she's yours.  Simple.  People who let their cats run FOR ANY REASON, don't deserve to have an animal.

  6. If she is a loved pet she would have a collar with an info tag and a rabies tag and she would have plenty to eat.In a busy area she should not be runnig wild.If you want to give this sweet baby a home,she would be lucky to have you.Take her to the vet for a check up and shots and she will be your forever friend.Sometimes pets find us when we aren't even looking for them.They just seem to know we need them as much as they need us.good luck to you and your new furry friend.

  7. As others have suggested put up some fliers in the neighborhood and see if anyone responds.  The kitty may have been lost for awhile and that could be why it is underweight.  I would take it to a vet and have them scan the cat for a microchip.  More likely the cat is a stray and she will be yours to keep.  I think it is wonderful that you are concerned enough to make sure she does not belong to someone else.  Chances are she has just found her forever home!

  8. assume that she doesn't have a home.  take her to the vet, have her checked out and make sure that she is healthy, rule out worms, etc., then take her home and love her back to health.  make her part of your family.  if she does have a family i think you are right, you would be doing her a favor by rescuing her anyway cause it doesn't sound like she has had alot of love and care that she deserves so far. ( make sure to get her spayed and get a good pest treatment like Frontline, if she is outside she probly has fleas)

  9. well if she hasn't went home by now she probably wont since your taking care of her yes you should keep her it would be best for her.

  10. well, you're right! if she's so malnurished she must've had a bad home in the first place! maybe her owner wasn't feeding her and that's why she left. i remember when i was really little one of my cats left for like a week but it wasn't because we weren't feeding her. cats just run off sometimes.

    if i were you i would keep her, but put some ads at the vet maybe? i mean, if the owner wants their cat back they'll probably go looking for it. not at the vet i guess, but wherever they would look. they might even put up lost cat signs. i think it'd be a really good idea to keep her, but make sure you check her at the vet. if she's thin she may have tapeworms, same thing happened to me and the cat had tapeworms.

    of course, i don't know if you've heard but lately people have been abandoning their pets because of finances (as in they can't afford food or cat litter, etc). she could be a stray too.

    but for the moment feed her well and take good care of her. :)

  11. Usually you can go to shelters, or just make a phone call and they will look through tons of lost cat/dog info for you. Until then, it would be good to keep an eye on the cat :)

  12. First thing is: Do you like cats? or do you have any allegy symptoms to cats? If you like cats and want to help this one, go ahead, take her to the vet to examine and give proper test. Unless, ask around if anyone loves to have a cat. Or you may want to call Anti-Cruelty society  if you want to bring her in...(

  13. put some signs up around the neighborhood for a week or so.... maybe someone will claim her. If not, you have a kitty!!!

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