
How can I tell my sister to see a dentist??

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My sister is only 27 yrs old, and I have noticed her teeth are definetly not as white as they used to be..their really discolored now. And I see a lot of older girls then her who have perfect , healthy looking teeth, and it kinda upsets me. And i know she brushed them everyday, cause i see her do it..but she smokes a lot, even though she says she cut down which is a lie. She wants to get braces again, he teeth really aren't crooked but her two front teeth are kinda overlapping. I know this question may be a little weird lol, but how could i get her to see a dentist, you know to get cleanings and stuff, without hurting her feelings.




  1. Seeing a dentist for a cleaning isn't going to clean her smoked stained teeth.  She will need to have them bleached help with that (which dentists do also, but it can be pretty expensive.)

    But if you really want her to go to a dentist for a cleaning, just tell her the same thing you said here  "I have noticed her teeth are definetly not as white as they used to be..their really discolored now. And I see a lot of older girls then her who have perfect , healthy looking teeth".  Either she will go to the dentist, she won't care, she will think you are meddling.  Only you will have some idea how she will react.

  2. Tell her that she needs to take care of her teeth because she is so pretty and that the look of her teeth and her looks are being affected by smoking.

  3. It shouldn't really upset you as at the end of the day they're her teeth. However, perhaps you should hint at it. Talk about your own teeth and gently point out what you think is different with hers?

    Hope I helped

  4. Just tell her this famous old addage:

    Go ahead, ignore your teeth... they'll just go away!

    Anyone like dentures?

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