
How can I tell the difference from a fake ID from a real one?

by Guest64947  |  earlier

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I work at a convenience store that sells alcohol. On Friday nights and Saturday nights, many people come to purchase beverages. Occasionally, I would see a very young person pick out some beer and get in line. This youngster does not look older than 20...

He comes up to me and shows me his ID. Everything goes with the description, even the picture. I check the date and confirm he's of legal age. More and more of these youngsters are coming in almost every week.

How do I tell the IDs they are showing me are not fake? I analyzed my own Driver's License and saw that mine has a gold hologram beneath the surface. I tried to analyze the buyer's as well. They also have the holographic patterns! But I really doubt these youngsters are 21 or older...




  1. Check with a local police officer.  Many police departments offer seminars on spotting fake IDs.  They will be happy to help you and---the fact that you asked may help you if you ever are charged with selling beer to a minor.

  2. most legal ids now have holograms on them. find out by going to your states dmv and finding out more.

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