
How can I tell what tax credits I'm entitled to claim back??? where should it state it on my PAYE-statement??

by Guest57482  |  earlier

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Ireland: Hi, I was recently told by a friend that she claimed a small amount of tax back simply by phoning them and asking what she was due back. I rang them and asked them myself and they've sent me out PAYE statements for the last 4 years. How can I tell by these statements what tax credits I can claim back?? Im not very good with the whole tax scene. thank you :)




  1. PAYE and Tax Credits are not the same thing and are not linked.

    PAYE is your tax paid on earnings and is deducted from your wages. If you are due a tax rebabte you call your local income tax centre. Mored details at:

    Tax credits is a benefit for people over 25 on a low wage or people who have children and an income less than 58K per year. To get tax credits you must make a claim for it. You can work out if you are entitled to Tax Credits and make a claim on line at :

  2. As above you are talking about a claiming back overpaid tax. This is NOT the same a tax credits.

    Are you sure you are due anything back? It is most likely if you have only worked part of a tax year at some stage or changed job during a tax year.

    It is complex to review 4 years worth of P60s as rates etc change every year. It may be easiest to discuss this with your payroll department.

    I've claimed back overpaid tax before - it didn't state that I was due this anywhere. You need to work it out yourself and send them a letter requesting it.

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