
How can I tell when a guy is interested?? I tend to think a man is then I'm proven wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I tend to over analyze, thinking a man is attracted to me when he isn't, as if I was 16 years old again, thinking if a man says hi he likes me. I'm kind of kidding there. However, I've been proven wrong, that the guy I'm dating or a guy I am attracted to does like me, so I wonder what to think. How can I really know when a guy is attracted to me by hisbody language & by other observations? I can play games, but in a nice way & I can be aloof, as a way of protecting my heart. Also, some women friends of mine tend to think I'm wrong when I say a guy is attracted to me, based on my poor track record with relationships & poor dating record. I think that when a man innocently flirts with me that he is interested in me, and sometimes I'm proven wrong. Or, I back away, which could cause the guy to back away, too. How do I know whether to trust my gut or not?




  1. In my opinion, try to talk to her or in someway flirt with him.If he receive the messages, he will take acton

  2. someone please help her answer this...i have the same question, but i'm a guy.

  3. Just proceed with caution. Don't over do anything, but on the flip side, don't be too aloof as you say you can be. Flirt back a little bit, if he's interested he'll get the message and things can grow from there.

  4. Help? A guy and I have this problem. When I show disinterest he shows interest. When I show concern he backs off. What to do? I just wana go have coffee with him-- get to know him, maybe we'll just be friends that's ok.  Good question. Sorry, I can't help you.

  5. u can't just guess they r. u gotta ask  becaues if u don't they mit just lead u on

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