
How can I tell when my 7 month old is cutting teeth?

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How can I tell when my 7 month old is cutting teeth?




  1. i work with that age group at a daycare and they drool sooooo much , and sometimes they can run a little bit of a fever (under 100) and they tend to want their pacifier a lot more,, like the first answer said,, once they start to poke through you will feel them in on their gums. They just tend to act like they have a cold ,,like they dont feel good at all,and they have runny nose that you will never keep up with. good luck

  2. rub your finger along their gums, you will be able to feel the teeth starting to come through.

  3. drooling alot stuffy nose, diarrhea, putting everything in mouth, chewing on fingers, fussy , wont sleep, temperature, all this can be associated with it.

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