
How can I throw the best pool party for a 14 year old?

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I am having a pool party but I don't want it to be boring I want my friends to have a good time and not just sit there doing nothing. So what should I do to make it the best pool party ever.




  1. a bottle of jack daniels, a bottle of bacardi, a bottle of smirnoff and an ounce of weed. and some girls and you should be good to go....

  2. Invite all the friends you have, being careful not to invite ones that will turn on you and try to make you look like an idiot.  I saw that happen once, and I felt sorry for my friend.  Same for inviting relatives your age.  If you are looking to impress a girl, don't invite boys that are likely to take them away from you.  If you don't have a girl in mind that you want to impress, invite as many girls as you can that you might like.  It might also help to invite other girls that you aren't looking to impress, to keep the other boys busy.  If another boy gets too close to a girl you are interested in, let him know so he can back off or get kicked out if things get out of hand.  LOL.

    A stereo located a safe distance from the pool and playing music that is popular with your crowd is a good thing.  Even if there are some songs that you don't like but everyone else does, put up with it and enjoy the fact that you are making it more fun for them.  If all of your guests like a particular radio station, just tune in and let the radio station take care of what music is being played.  If your guests have varying tastes in music and you want to impress the girls, let them vote on which station to listen to.  If you want to impress a particular girl, ask her what station she wants to listen to and let everyone else put up with it.  Music isn't everything, but impressing a girl is priceless.  If a radio station isn't an option, the same can be done with CDs.  You can also stop from time to time to let people vote on a different CD or radio station.

    Everyone seems to like a cookout, so this would be a good time to have one, along with a variety of salads, chips, and other munchies.  Desserts are optional.  If having a cookout isn't an option, a platter of mixed cold cuts and cheeses will work with the other foods I mentioned, and dinner rolls to make sandwiches (along with mustard and possibly mayo) are another possibility.

    A variety of drinks is a must, including water, soda, and fruit drinks.  A bowl of punch is a plus because it is not only tasty, but a good place for people to socialize when they aren't anywhere else.

    Plenty of seating outside the pool area is another idea, but not mandatory.  Some people might not want to get in the pool at all, so tables and chairs will be good for them.

    If rain is a possibility, it would be a good idea to set up one or more areas that are covered, including the food area and places to sit.  Otherwise, the party moves indoors, and the game plan changes a lot, including TV, video games, indoor games, etc.

    Fun things in the pool is another possible addition.  Maybe it's beach balls, water pistols, something for water games (volleyball or dodge ball?) or something else.  Just make sure you don't add things that will cause people to get upset.  Not all people are into getting their heads smashed with a ball or getting squirted or splashed with water when they are enjoying the pool, if you know what I mean.  Sometimes a vote can avoid a lot of those problems, but be careful not to alienate the people who vote "no" to such things, especially any girls you might be trying to impress.  Ultimately, it's best to not offend ANYONE, but it isn't always possible.  Besides, some people are going to be offended no matter how much you try to please them.  That's just how people are sometimes.

    If you have cool adults with access to fireworks, they can launch bottle rocket, sky rockets, and other things for the entertainment of your guests.  Fireworks are always an iffy proposition, so it's possible it just won't happen.  An alternative would be launching model rockets, which don't seem to be treated like fireworks in a lot of places, but it depends on how much people are into that kind of thing.

    That's all I can think of at the moment.  Hope this helps.

  3. ~ Have a big table of nice food avaliable like cake, cupcakes, icecream, chocolate & crisps. You should also have some things like pies, pasties, burgers & chips avaliable for your guests as well, along with drinks [non-alchohol of course].

    ~ Play some water games, that always makes a pool party more fun. There are loads of games you can play in the water to spice up the party, like water volleyball. Having 'pool toys' would be fun too, like you know those floating tires and the like? Those are loads of fun.

    ~ If your pool party is going for longer than about 45 minutes, your guests will likely want to get out of the pool at some stage for a little break. Instead of just having your guests sitting around talking amoungst themselves, have some things like beach volley ball, basketball, soccer etc. going.

    ~ Have music on the whole time, that is sure to make the party even better. Don't have like country music [as much as I love that!] as its not really suitibale music for a party. Things like 'Girlfriend' by Avril Lavigne and 'I kissed a girl' by Katy Perry are sure to be a big hit.

    ~ Maybe make the party a sleep over, so you can enjoy yourself for even longer. You can set up a big tent or two an have all your friends sleep over and maybe in the evening you can go to a pizza place, shopping or to the movies. Surely that would make it an **AWESOME** party.

    ~ Have fun! Don't fuss to much about making the party *amazing* because if you try too hard you won't get anywhere. Just enjoy yourself and spend time with friends and you'll have an awesome party xD

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