
How can I tone my stomach?

by  |  earlier

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I dont get out much so I cant go to the gym and most of the time im in school so your sitting down a lot, but if i can do some type of exercise after school and over the weekends to help tone my stomach that would be great. Also if I do that exercise how long should I do for and how many? I dont care how long it takes so thats a thumbs up. ^__^





  1. crunches and sit ups worked wonders for me.  Two sets of 50 once a day was all it took.  (Also took care of my lower back pain -- a bonus!)

  2. if you can at least maintain doing 20 situps or curlups a day

    you will see results within the month

    not alot of work.. i do it right before bed.. stick my feet under a dresser or something to prevent then from lifting up

    dont forget to eat healthy.. no overeatting but please dont undereat

  3. Sit ups.  

  4. do sit ups. start doing 5 sets of 30 each, then next week increase to 5 sets of 50 each, then next week increase to 70, then to 90 then to 100, and youll be alright.

  5. It really doesn't take much. If you suck your stomach in and hold it while your sitting in class or walking around school..that alone can do wonders. Also don't drink carbinated drinks. Its just air and will bloat your stomach making it stick out further!

  6. take a jog around a park or around ur neighborhhod or somewhere safe take about a 30 minute jog and stretch a lot do eat:fruits,vegetable,meats without horomones,fish,and berries.......DO NOT EAT sugery drinks,unorganic unatural foods with trans fats or hydroginated oils. and drink a lot of water and lay off wheat try eating wheat in small amounts every other day

  7. do some sit-ups and crutches also ab workouts do the same the and run  

  8. 200 sit up in the morning when you wake up, and 200 sit up when your about to go to bed

  9. work out and eating good foods

  10. crunches to get ripped

    cardio to get toned so you can actually see the abs

  11. It's hard to tell what type of abs work out you'd prefer. In my opinion, just go to check out the work out videos and see whats best for you.

    If you want tone things up IN GENERAL, then try cardio workouts. Running, jogging, biking, swimming, etc.

    And if you want to tone the stomach, you can try sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, etc. There are tons of ways you can work those abs! Just go to youtube and try out all of them. Some people dont like sit ups because it hurts their neck or back. So experiment :-)

    How long is up to you. Some people can do very little and some can handle a lot. Start off with a couple, like 40-50. If you feel you can do more then add about 20. From there, work out your abs. Your number of sit ups should increase +10-15 per week.

    You'll begin to see results after 2-5 weeks, depending on how commited and strict you are.

    Best of luck.

    PS. Don't for get to eat healthy and drink plenty of water!  

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