
How can I train and get really good for cross country?

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I need to get good for cross country and track for next year. I was sort of good at track last season, but now I'm on the varsity team for cross country and track. So yeah can someone give me some tips to get faster and have a lot more endurance. And which one is harder?




  1. Try aiming for Two fast days a week (2-5 miles Interval, Tempo, and fartlek training... Try 85 -90%)

    Two days of hill/trail work to get yourself used to cross country courses... (run those hills HARD! 80 -85% at LEAST 3 miles)

    One long run a week ( 7- 10 miles at an easy conversational pace 70-80%)

    One rest day (don't confuse rest with inactivity! Try swimming, bicycling or any other cross training)

    Another Important factor is core work, 2 or three days a week work you abs, a strong core will improve your times significantly.)

    Good luck

  2. The best tip I can give you is

    dont overtrain...People think a 5 mile run is good, a ten miler must be twice as good. wrong. XC is a very unforgiving sport.

    Overtrain, and you're done for the season, and you wont even know it, you'll just get a little worse every saturday

  3. there both too hard to decide but if you want to get good in cross-country you need many mile and half mile repetitions at 30 sec per mile pace than race pace.

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