
How can I train my dog not to attack my cat?

by  |  earlier

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We rescued a dog 1 year ago. She was an outside dog and use to eat

squirrels . Now she wants to eat my 15 year old cat. We had another dog before and he never harmed my cat. last year he died and we adapted that monster. She is very sweet and loving but cat is nothing but food. We kept them separated for a year but today my cat got out and she tried to kill him. Help!!!




  1. well....dogs will chase cats, as boys will be boys so there is probably nothing you can do about it. sorry.  

  2. You could condition your dog with a choke chain never to lunge for the kitty and everytime it does you jerk its neck off.

    It won't take more than three times and the dog won't lunge at the kitty again. This process doesn't hurt the dog at all--just scares it into compliance.

    The dog starts to think, "Hey if I want to keep my head attached I better not chase that cat."

    Hope you try it. Nothing else will work but some training.

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