
How can I train my dog not to guard her things?

by  |  earlier

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She always barks at my other dog if he wants his bone and she has one of her own!




  1. you cant.

    they are naturally protective.

    and if you touch it theres a chance you will get bit.

    its just the breed you picked or a quality in your dog.

    my dogs do it to but she doesnt bark for it she just waits intel she leaves.  

  2. Thats normal. Make sure each dog has their own special toy. And the dogs will never attack each other.

  3. ur an idiot its only food, and i do eat that hes a dog and most of the stuff hes been through the bin for,

    dnt try and tell me how to raise a dog when u cnt even read properly

  4. you take contol. you put the bone on the ground in between you and the agressive dog and when the agressive dog goes near the bone you stand infront of the bone so the dog can't get it. that shows the dog that you can claim the bone when you want it and so can the other dog. when you stand in front of the bone the dog will try to go around you so u hav to move around the bone with the dog...does that make sense? lol while your doing this if the dog barks or growls you shush them or growl back...i know that sounds weird but it works trust me!



  5. The best thing you can do is practice strong leadership and ownership in your house. The toy isn't your dogs toy it is YOUR toy and you let him borrow it. There is a great article on resource guarding here with some exercises you can practice Resource Guarding - NILF training would be very beneficial also you should be able to take away the toy before it escalates into a fight, at the same time protect yourself from getting bitten, your safety first.

    "Dogs do not absolutely have to have some of the things that commonly trigger resource guarding aggression, such as rawhide. It is important that dogs have chewing outlets, for self calming as well as dental health, but you can use non-edible toys that are less likely to provoke fights. If you are going to use edible items (rawhide, pig’s ears, chew-hooves, etc.) for this purpose, treat them like food.

    This means dogs need to be separated from other animals and young children when they have these items. It’s best not to wait and see if there will be a problem. Separate the dogs for things they consider to be highly desirable in order to prevent a problem. Having the dog enjoy these things in a crate can be the best practice if it takes longer to consume them than the length of time you can attentively supervise."

  6. give the stuff to the other dog and if the first dog gets all protective just say noo and point somewere so it will go and repoeat all the  time

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