
How can I train my dog not to jump on guests?

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He's a little mini pin and he has a lot of energy. But I he just doesn't listen when guests are over. I can tell they get annoyed by him so I usually end up just putting him up. What can I do differently?




  1. when you friends come over the the dog jumps on them have them stand up and cross there arm and don't pay any attention until she stops and repeat and repeat. She will hopefully get the hint.

  2. Well Unfourtunatly I had the same problem with my little doggie and it is fairly easy to fix. My dog is a Westie and whenever guests come over, I would sneak outside and tell them, "I am teaching my dog to be polite and not jump on my guests, When I let you in and my dog jumps on you, IMMEDEATLY turn you back. Dont look at them, pet them or give ANY source of attention." Then I would walk back inside and open the door just like normal. If the dog starts acting wild, you and your guests should turn backs. Ignore, YOU MUST WAIT until your dog settles down, then turn back around and continue conversing with guests. (When your guests turn around, most likely your dog will go on the other side and STILL jump on the guests, tell them just to keep turning around and DO NOT LOOK AT THEM!)

    If that dosent work with your dog or you have already gone through the procedure, Buy a horn, Yes, an air horn. It may be loud but you must do this. Before you let your guests in, warn them about the loud noise. When they enter and your dog starts acting wild, activate the horn for just a split second. It will startle your dog a not let them go crazy. Then IMMEDEATLY put your dog in its crate or a small room. (Bathroom preferably) until he/she calms down.

    This is a VERY common problem with dogs and ALOT of owners dont handle it properly. Look like a good dog owner!!!!

    Hope I helped you and your little mini pin!


  3. This way works very well.

    Bang on pots and pans or blow a whistle when he does it.

    Find a noise that he doesn't like. After you make the noise, he will stop jumping up on a guest and look at you. If he does it again,make the noise again.

    Keep doing this when guests come in. Eventually he will know that the sound means that he has to back off of that person. Give him treats every time he backs off.

    Also, when you make the loud noise, say his name angrily and loudly.

    Good Luck! :)

  4. You have good answers so far.  What worked on my pound dog was a can of air.  The kind you can buy at Office Depot or Wal-Mart.  As soon as the dog makes a move, you shoot a puff of air (not at the face).  The was enough to shock our dog out of jumping.  The IMPORTANT thing to remember is to catch them BEFORE they actually jump.  Keep calm at all times.  The fewer words used, the better.  They will soon understand that you don't want them to jump on your friends.

  5. Ignore him when he jumps, turn your back to him, do not give him any attention (good or bad) until he calms down. When he decides to finally calm down, then you can praise him. You want him to learn, jumping will not get him any attention.

  6. I had this problem with my dog, olly,

    he gets so exited that he jumps up on everyone he meets, and he's a big dog.

    There are a few ways to fix this. All I did was as soon as he jumps up, grasp him right under the front paws and pull him off your guest, so that he has his front paws on your guest for a minimal time. This is not hurting him, but it is giving an uncomfortable feeling. This will take a month or so of consistent work to stop, but eventually he will stop jumping up.

    Also, make sure your dog has a long walk at least once a day, no less than an hour, pent-up energy may be another cause for jumping up.

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