
How can I train my new cat?

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How can I train my new cat?




  1. Start rewarding your cat by feeding food if she acting according to your  desired action. It does not mean that you should keep your cat hungry but do it with your own understanding with the cat.

  2. Same as your dog. But I think cats  are very intelligent enough already =]

    And after ur training, give your cat good treats like cookies or others to keep her doing her job good!

    I hope it helps!! :)

    --Mae Chan

  3. A lot of persistence and patience.

    Cats are harder to train than dogs, it really depends what you want to train them to do. Cats are very independent and so tend to do their own thing.

  4. Cats unlike dogs, don't respond as readily to positive reinforcement so have treats ready or you can use their regular food. If you use their regular food, it helps to only feed them at specific times during the day so kibble here or there is a treat.

    Also unlike dogs, cats respond and remember negative reinforcement very clearly. Don't raise your voice and voice any frustration or they'll just avoid the situation altogether.

    Use very simple but distinct commands consistently. I couldn't train my cat with "stand and sit", but "up and sit" worked well.

    If you're trying to keep them off furniture, use a spray bottle with a little vinegar or a watergun. I prefer a watergun for the distance. The vinegar helps because they'll associate vinegar with punishment rather than water. That means when you clean furniture with a little vinegar, they'll avoid it.

    Once the vinegar association is set, you can lightly spray furniture with vinegar so they won't scratch it. You can also rub catnip into your scratching posts so they have something nice to scratch.

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