
How can I train to run farther?

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I can comfortably run 3 miles. I want to start running marathons and eventually triathlons. How can I work to farther distances?




  1. I think you should try to run a little farther every day to get your body working harder. With a little time and effort, you could run the triathlon. =) Please rate this is my 2nd answer.=)

  2. Invest in a good pair of runners, and do the 3 types of run training - Interval, Distance and Tempo. Interval training is a great way to increase fitness - this means though a 30 or 45 or 1 hour session, do some effort sessions - so for a 1 hour session, perhaps do a 10-15min warm up - gentle run, then do some speed sessions, or up hill sessions - no longer than 1 km per interval at most (start of running up a shortish hill quickly, then jogging back down, repeat 5 times, run quick (not sprint just quicker than normal for 2 mins and then jog/walk for 1, etc), and then do a 10-15min warm down.

    Tempo - simply run at the same pace for a set time (best done on a track) or distance, and then slowly over the next sessions to run further for the same time, of faster for the same distance, etc.

    Distance - run a normal pace for increasing distances over a period of weeks, even months - remember, if you are doing certain distances, such as 10km or 20km races, you only need to be able to run well for those distances so don't think you have to run for 26miles just to get fit. If your goal is a marathon, then work up to that distance over a longer period of time, say up to 20 miles a few weeks before the race, and then "taper" (i.e. reduce the distances/effort) down to 12 miles a few days before. Doing the 3 methods as above will help with all levels/distances of running, but remember, the more often you run, the better you will get.

  3. run

  4. you first have to start off slow doing little each day. increase your running activity everyday if you can handle it, but not by much. soon you will be running farther and farther in no time. this will also increase your lung capacity which will make it  easier to run faster and farther.

  5. if u keep runnin n practicin u wud b able 2do beta den u did b4.

    all u gota do is practice

  6. I'd try adding a 1/2 mile or 1 mile every week or 2 weeks that U run. That is how our xcountry coach says to dod it. Remember a marathon is 26.2 miles and most jr. triathlons are only 5-6 miles.

    Good luck.

  7. You have to not set limits for yourself. You have to practice running every other day (to give your muscles a break) and then everyday you just run a little more so you can build up your stamina.

  8. its a mixture of stuff. You have to be committed and try to workout 4-5 time a week. You have run frequently to the best of you abilities and also some workouts in a gym is good for endurance and conditioning mainly lower body such a squats, dead legs, leg press all in small doses can only improve running i would also take up skipping and i would try to bike to most storesa and places you go and try and visit a pool every once in  a while

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