
How can I transport a hamster from the UK to Ireland?

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I can't seem to find an airline that will let me carry a pet in the cabin, and I don't think much of a hamster's chances in the hold. Also, ferries only allow pets for people with cars, not foot passengers. Any ideas?




  1. On a very big hamster wheel.

  2. Ask Richard Geer to smuggle it for ya LOL

  3. My mum took her dog on the Isle of Man ferry and she was a foot passenger.  Check out the Heysham ferries.  I don't think you can take them on the fast seacat ferries from Liverpool, but you can still take dogs on the other ones.  If you can take a dog, I'm sure you could take a hamster in its travelling cage.  

    If you e-mailed them and asked, they'd be able to tell you what's what.

  4. Begin by contacting several airlines. Ask them if they allow small pets on board and whether the hamster will be in the cabin with you or in the pet cargo. Choose the airline that allows your hamster to travel in a cage at your feet where you can keep an eye on him. Pet cargo is too stressful for a hamster, it is noisy and other pets can be scary for the hamster (like dogs etc). Also, it would be very stressful for a hamster to be at a pet cargo since getting to and from the plane is not healthy for a hamster. What if it’s hot or freezing cold on the runway?

    Definitely having your hamster to travel in a cage at your feet would be the best for your hamster. So, cabin class is the way you should choose. Airlines may require you to have an approved carrier for your hamster and maybe even a pet medical certificate. Get the specific guidelines ahead of time, get them in writing and make sure you follow them to the letter.

    Keep all the information with your ticket and present it at the check-in. Having everything in order is very important to avoid any last-minute surprises.

  5. Quarantine.

    if they don't allow you in 5x call a lawyer.

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