
How can I travel to London by Train from Middlesbrough with 2 cases and send 2 boxes ahead?.?

by  |  earlier

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Is there any service that can pick up the 2 boxes and enable me to pick them up in London or deliver them to my door ?




  1. just put them in the post? Or try parcelforce

  2. Try it this way ' go and then wait for the parcels. Use the left luggage facility

    Left Luggage Facilities

    There are left luggage facilities at most London mainline stations operated by the Excess Baggage Company - the company have their own web site.

    Offices are normally open 7 days a week from 07:00 to 23:00.

    The Excess Baggage Company have a monopoly of the left luggage facilities at most of London's main railway stations and airports. They can also ship items home if you require.

  3. go to parcle2go website they even collect the parcels from your house. but you will have to pay.

  4. you can use the new vigin carry my luggage service as well ( link below)

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