
How can I turn off the new Comcast setup box / DVR (DCH3416) completely? It always stays in a stand-by mode?

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This box, which Comcast gave me to replace a failing DCT6412 will not power off. It uses it's full 30 watts of power whether on or in standby (there is no off)... This is nuts and there is no good reason for this as a designed behavior. The old 6412 unit would power off completely, then if it needed to record a scheduled program, it would turn itself on, record the show, then turn itself back off... If the newer box won't act like that I guess I can just ask them to swap it for one of the 6412s.. Anyone else figured a way around this?




  1. Funny you should ask. My old 6412 would NOT power off completely, running in a hot standby mode as well. Basically, I think Motorola can't figure out how to make these units really sleep when 'shut off' in order to start up quickly when power on is pressed.

  2. Hi Max,

    The only way to get it off is to unplug it. I am with you - it is a total waste of energy and I don't understand it.


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