
How can I turn £5000 into £25000 within a year?

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How can I turn £5000 into £25000 within a year?




  1. give it to me

    at the end of the year ill have 5000 plus interest

    you will be a little wiser than you appear to be now

    (a small price to pay)   mastercard or visa?

  2. If you find a way let me know please - I will be doing it too.

    Good luck. :o)

  3. If you don´t mind breaking the law.... Ahh, never mind.

  4. invest in snow shoes

  5. rob a bank

  6. times it by 5

  7. its possible. email me for details

  8. Gambling or using the 5000 in a business you create.  There are no free lunches.  Return is correlated directly with risk.

  9. Ignore those other answers, don't let them put you off!

    The answer is yes, quite easily, with abit a imagination, ambition and 'go for it' spirit.

    Brew up a business idea and give it a shot, best to start off small and keep it fairly low risk.

    Good luck!


  10. You really think if someone knew the answer to that, they would tell you?


  11. Errr, add 20 k

  12. if you have luck on your side and can hold your nerve place it all on a 5 to one shot  good luck

  13. multiply it times five on the calculator.

  14. 500% return is one year.  Anything that has a shot is 5 times as likely to LOSE the full amount.

  15. You could buy 5,000 National Lottery scratchcards or buy 5,000 Lucky Dips at your local newsagent.

    There is a slightly better chance if you buy Premuim Bonds and of course you don't lose your money!

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