
How can I un-sharpen a knife?

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well, not a knife, a cut-throat razor...

I bought me a Sweeney Todd razor movie prop this weekend and already cut both my thumbs when I was playing with it... I made a note to self that it isn't a toy, so please, spare the lecture....

how could I unsharpen it so it's not as dangerous?




  1. If you aren't going to play with it, and if you keep it out of reach of children and out of anywhere it could cause damage, it doesn't matter how sharp it is.

  2. Take a SS fork and put it between the tines, draw it back along the edge.

  3. Take it out on the front porch and pretend that you are cutting out a piece of the concrete steps. That will take the edge off. If you don't want to ruin it....just use some Scotch tape. Put it on the blade and fold it over to cover the sharp edge. You might want to put two layers.

  4. Find a coffee cup that you have had for a long time.  On the bottom, there is a ring of ceramic that the glaze does not cover.  It's semi rough to the touch.  

    Turn the razor blade perpendicular to the bottom of the cup, (with the cup on the counter), like you were going to cut a carrot or something, and draw the blade back and forth along the exposed ceramic part.

    This will dull the blade, slowly, and controlled.  Razors are very hard steel, and are somewhat brittle.  Pounding on them, or forcing them into a tight space with too much force will break them.

    Mind your fingers, please.  

  5. try cutting a piece of steel railing, a brick, or concrete. any of those ought to do the trick

  6. Mellisa (loves chris & sharp knives)

    just get a sharpening stone and draw the knife across it.  Make sure the knive is perpendicular to the stone, and it will blunt the knife so it won't cut unsuspecting fingers and thumbs.

    good luck

  7. Cut some paper. Nothing dulls a knife quicker than cutting paper with it.

  8. Toss it in the garbage because you are an idiot.

  9. knaw at a piece of wood

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