
How can I unclog my pores quik? 10 points, help!?

by  |  earlier

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Well, My pores are ALWAYS clogged, I'm so fed up with it, everyday I wash my face with acne c**p with a scratchy spone thingy, and its not helping my pores at all.

I went to wal-mart, and they had these Bi'ore Pore cleaning strips, or something like that, but they were $, couldnt get those.

I have a facial mask thing, but that doesnt get anything out either..

How can I unclog my pores super fast?

Whats the best home remedy?




  1. Try Minty Toothpaste  

  2. DO NOT scrub your face, it will cause more acne.  Try putting hot water on it.  Also toothpaste is also good.  Use  Oil-free formula exfoliate.

  3. this is going to sound REALLY weird, but get to the pool and go swimming.   the mix of the chlorine and the water on your face constantly, CLEANS THEM OUT! :]

    go underwater as much as possible, and stay in about an hour snd a half??? then wash your face with TOOTHPASTE :]


    oh! and also :]

    like they said, you dont EVER want to scrub. the BEST thing to do is use sea salt, or even just salt and mix it with your normal soap that you usually wash your face soap. and then rinse it offf and use the toothpaste like i told you. and finally use a toner. if you dont have one, then mouthwash works :D

  4. soak a washcloth with really really hot water, ring all the water out, and then put it on top of your face for a minute.

    the steam should open up your pores.

    then try to wash your face using what you normally use

    another way to use steam to open your pores is if you do it in the shower. just make sure its the last thing you do so that your pores will be good an open

    hope i helped :)

  5. damp paper towel.

    put in microwave 30 seconds.

    hold over face until heat escaped.

    wash face.

    run cold water over paper towel.

    put to face (to close back up )

  6. after showering wrap your index fingers with tissue paper and squeeze them out when they are all gone (or almostgone) put on a cooling mask even something like egg whites(feels gross and cold but works miracles tightens and smoothes your skin beautifully) this will close your pores

    you should do this every month

  7. home remedies do NOT work

    Biore pore strips do NOt work either ( I've tried them, they don't do anything)

    Also, if you're using a rough sponge to wash your face, it can make it worse.  Only use it once a week.  But other then that, you should be using a soft facial cloth .. no rubbing , just patting it dry.

    Keep in mind not to stress about them, because it will make it worse, and don't touch your face.  Trust me , been there done that.

    The only thing that really worked for me was a peeling mask.  You put a  layer of gel over your face, let it dry for 5 min or so, and then peel it off.  Good luck

  8. Have you googled? There is a website with awwesome home remedies.

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