
How can I unclog my shower drain?

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Is there any way to do it without a clothes hangar?

The drain is filled up with hair and i tried to do it with a bobby pin, but it's not that effective.

I was thinking of putting Nair down there for a few minutes, then rinsing it out. Maybe it's a stupid idea, but i need some help unclogging the drain.

(My Sister's Question)




  1. 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup viniger, and stand back

  2. Sometimes just plunging the drain will loosen the hair and clear the drain. Use a rubber toilet plunger.

  3. Any grocery store drain cleaner will do the job of dissolving grease and hair clogs.  Nair's way too expensive for this!  

    Just read the drain cleaner's instructions, because they're very strong chemicals.

  4. Is there a s***w on the top of your drain. Up s***w the s***w. Be careful and dont drop it down the drail. After you get the s***w removed then remove the shield. Then you can use just about anything and grap the hair ball. Try it, this works.

  5. Do you have a wet dry shop vac? If you do, don't put any chemicals in your drain. Switch the hose from suction side to the blowing side and blow your drain out. You can also try using a plunger. Good luck!!

  6. draino gel

  7. You can use Drain-o stuff. It works for any kind of drain. Sinks, Showers, ya.

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