
How can I use a aquarium salt for my goldfish???

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My blackmoor (goldfish) tail got cut and it seems sad seeing him like this and I want to put aquarium salt so it can heal and won't get any diesease. And also have 4 baby fantails and 1 ryukin.

So I might get it soon but I need info of how to put it in and stuff. Please try using a website or use your own words as long as you can.

Thanks if u can help :D




  1. It was actually recommended to me by an expert in aquatics/fish to put about 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt in my 10 gallon. He explain to me that even though the goldfish are freshwater fish they benefit from a SMALL  amount of salt in the tank. He went into detail of all the scientific aspects, but I can't remember all that. All I remember is that he said 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt in my 10 gallon is best. So whatever size tank you have just multiply it & you should be good. If you are too worried then just wait until tomorrow or Monday & call an independent fish shop that have people that actually know what they are talking about, experts in the field, not people at the big box stores that sell fish... ie: Wal-Mart, PetSmart, Petco... Some of the people at these store may know what they are talking about, but the majority are just learning as they go, or haven't a clue. Don't risk it.

  2. Oh no, please don't put salt in the freshwater fish's aquarium!

    Blackmoor aren't salt water fish, they are fresh water. Salt water won't do it any good, it will kill him, as well as your other freshwater fish!

    Don't worry about the cut on your fish - it will heal itself. I had a blackmoor that had it's eyeball get sucked out by a plocostumus. It was fine and we left it alone. It lived a good few months without an eyeball, so I'm sure the cut on it fill be fine.


    Get the salt and then read the directions on the back and you should be fine :)

    Hope this helps

  4. There should be directions on the aquarium salt that you buy.  If you have never used it before in your tank then do 1/2 the amount is says to use so you don't suddenly overwhelm your fishies with salt.  

  5. Aquarium Salt releases electrolytes which are beneficial for fish. And the rate for your situation is one tablespoon for each five gallons of water. I would also suggest something called Stress Coat. It helps fish replinish their natural slime coating lossed when injured or stress, this is how they protect themselves from harmful bacterias. Water changes every week would benefit them also. 25 percent of the water volume in your tank.  

  6. 1 teaspoon per gallon, dang, that's gotta be a big tank, good luck with that!

    ; )

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