
How can I use a new job offer to increase my salary at my current employer?

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I truly enjoy working for my current employer. I was recently contacted by another company offering more money. I haven't been looking for another employer but the money is a huge boost. How do I approach my current employer regarding this




  1. I would tell them in the exact same way you just posted the question.  However, be prepared for them to let you go too.

    I had a similar situation, told my employer, they asked what they could do for salary in order to get me to stay.  When it came down to it they didn't have money in the budget to match the original offer so I accepted the new job.  I don't like the new job as much but I like what it can buy me.

  2. Discuss the new offer with your current boss/supervisor.  If you are a good employee and worth keeping, they usually match the offer.  

    You can always say that you're not really interested in switching jobs because you enjoy what you do and where you are but salary that the new position offers is really appealing.  Ask if they would be able to match the offer or what growth can you expect if you decide to decline the offer and stay where you are.

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