
How can I use a valid Canadian visa with a brand new passport?

by  |  earlier

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I have a valid Canadian entry visa (exp. Aug 2008) in my current passport, but I am about to be issued a new one next week. Thus, the old one will be voided, but the visa will remain there untouched.

Has anyone had a similar experience recently (in case rules have changed)?





  1. You may continue to use that visa (provided it is not cut, cancelled or has expired) by carrying that old passport with your new one.My Uncle Had this happen to him recently..but you must carry both  passports or if you have time you Go to your nearest canadian consulate/Embassy and have them issue you a new one in the Valid passport..they may charge you a fee though

    But dont worry youll be fine

  2. go the passport office n get a new one

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