Its not just a little smell. Its heavy and choking. It settles mainly on our property due to the layout of the area. (cul-de-sac). I've tried to solve the problem by talking with some neighbors and then leaving info flyers on mailboxes. The offgassing from the chemicals used is what causes my headaches, nausea, and sore throat. And whether the neighbors think I'm nuts or not - damnit - THIS IS STILL AMERICA (isn't it?) WHERE PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. HOW DOES ONE ACCOMPLISH ANY OF THE ABOVE WHEN THEY CAN'T EVEN GO OUTSIDE ON THEIR OWN PROPERTY? WHY DOES THE FRAGRANCE CORPORATION GET TO POLLUTE ME WITH THEIR CHEMICALS (THAT I DON'T EVEN USE) AND WHY DO I HAVE TO BREATH IN SECOND HAND SCENT. IF THEY CAN MAKE SMOKERS KEEP THEIR SMELLS AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHY CAN'T THEY KEEP THIS AWAY FROM ME? IS THERE NO ONE TO TAKE ON THE FRAGRANCE INDUSTRY?
You won't even be able to find out what they use to make the scents. Why is this industry protected from listing ingredients in their products? Where is my right to know?