
How can I use my size and strength in a career?

by  |  earlier

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i am 6,5

but im only 16 years old, problem...




  1. well if you gave a clue to what size you are it could help however i have been a bouncer at the weekends for 20 years and have known little guys to do the job as well however i think i would look stupid as a ballet dancer but heyyyyyyyy could have fun with those tights -:)

  2. try Macy D's, you could barge your way to team leader in no time

  3. Become a bouncer...

  4. What is your size & strength?

    Ok, you could play rugby, basketball, you could be a plasterer - they often have to wear stilts to reach the tops of walls (true!)

    There are special suit guys in films who have often trained as actors or puppeteers. They are the ones you see in alien outfits, like Chewbacca in Starwars. Being tall would be useful for all sorts of other jobs too. Painter and decorator, shelf stacker, scenic artist (for films again), tree surgeon, car sprayer, window cleaner, paparazzi photographer etc

  5. Are you thinking of becoming a bouncer?

  6. you dont give any specs for me to figure it out

  7. Become a ballet dancer, wow I love looking at these guys in tights.!!

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