
How can I use philosophy?

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How can I use philosophy?




  1. To improve every facet of your life.

  2. Philosophy has many uses.

    In debate,

    foreign relations


    Looking for work

    dealing with people in general

    Philosophy you can apply to all Aspects of everyday life.

    So how do you use it? you think things through and through and through deciding what would be the best outcome based upon your life and the life of others.

    I hope I make sense. I'm tired.


  3. You can live according to it. You can use ti in relations with other people. You can share it with your children. Anything you like.  

  4. let philosophy use you

  5. How can we not?

  6. u become a philosophist

  7. Philosophy can help guide you when making decisions that you have never experienced personally.

  8. peace of mind, or the opposite

  9. The philosophical thought is the best medicine to heal and soothe the mind wounded by adversities and reverses faced in one's life. More importantly, the philosophical ideas can help develop values and attitudes that are key enablers for attaining a happy state of mind on a stable and lasting basis.

  10. The art of philosophy is to take something that is so blindingly obvious that everybody can understand it.  Write about it in such a way that almost nobody can understand it.  Then suggest the natural course of events in such a way that those with power can ridicule to redirect human behavior in any direction that they desire.

    Example: capitalism needs repeated human genocides to work properly.  Marx et al. suggested as much in "extremely" complex writings.  Now we have an awful society that those in power tells us is the best we can get, because almost nobody understands any offered alternative.

  11. wrap it in up and blaze it

  12. You can't but it can you use.

  13. Having an extensive knowledge and understanding of philosophy will help you to look at problems from different angles and will enable you to appreciate the details of life that are sometimes undervalued.

  14. Speak it, write it, live it.

  15. Philosophers are intermediaries of The Arts and Sciences,and are therefore very important in the foundation principles of both. You can use philospohy in a number of ways:

    In justifying that carbon dating is sound in the argument towards the authenticity of The Shroud of Jesus Christ.

    That projections of diminishing oil reserves globally does not equate to richer, oil abundant nations such as Iraq.

    Where the WWW and the Internet fail to differ.

    Philosophy is very practical in its uses, many a time.

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