
How can I visit another country while I'm underage?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend recently moved to new zealand [I'm 16, she's 17] and I want to visit her sometime before I'm 18, are there any travel restrictions on minors leaving the US?

Could I have any adult go with me, or would it HAVE to be one of my parents?

Answers will be verrry appreciated.




  1. I traveled to Romania a couple of years  ago when I was 15.  I didnt have any issues.  You just need to have a passport.  Other than that I think you should be ok.  To be safe you might want to take an adult with you.

  2. get permission from ur parents and her parents (if your staying with them) see how it goes from there. other wise try get in an exchange program to be a student in a school near her

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