
How can I volunteer at an architecture firm?

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I want to volunteer at an architecture firm this summer.

Not much of any paycheque or certain lessons am I seeking for, however, all I want to have is just a little experience and a sense of being in a firm. I can't do CAD but I can draft. Even it means just organizing files, cleaning the office, and making coffee for everyone, I want to volunteer and do something at a firm. That's all I want. So I wonder, where can I do that?

I have been planning simply just to go in the firms I have seen around my town and ask them personally showing them my draft projects and such. What should I do?




  1. you could try looking at see they have anything

  2. Call them up. Ask for an internship. That's the way I put myself through college. CAD work was the easiest desk, best hours a college student could ever ask for. Not to mention that it paid well also.

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