
How can I watch my boyfriend's ADHD little brother?

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i usually watch my boyfriend's little brother to help him out (their parents are really busy) and i usually take him out in town and walk around with him, but he's always wandering off and it makes me nervous. Usually i'm the one who ends up walking while he sits on my shoulders so he doesn't wander off. is there a better way to keep my eye on him without having to lift him over my head and onto my shoulders?? he's 9 if that matters (and heavy)




  1. well some people put a retractable leash on there kid and it works so they have freedom and also can be easily found hope i helped good luck

  2. I think it would be a better idea to keep him home when it is just you.

    I have worked with children with this disorder, and it is really hard to control them, especially if they are not regular with their meds. I would think to keep him at home, in a safe area where he cannot hurt himself.

    Have plenty of activities to do with him, and don't get discouraged if he goes between tons of activities!! Children with ADHD have a hard time focusing their minds on one task, so don't give up, and just try to have fun with him!

    If you have to take him out and about, hold his hand most of the time, or keep him a contained area where you can watch him without any danger, like a trusted friend's or something.:)

    Good luck!

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