
How can I win a chess game?

by Guest63558  |  earlier

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I don't know how to win a chess game against very high rated opponents (+100 or more rating). Could somebody give me hints, like how to beat them without losing? Give me tips for both White and Black and how to be smarter in chess.




  1. learn the movements or face a rock

    oh and if u beat them u dont lose

  2. Hi. Here are a few tips from my bag-o-tricks (from books I've read) and then I have some great resource recommendations for you:

    In the opening, avoid moving the same piece twice.

    This will help you get your pieces activated quicker. Clear out the area between your king and rook as soon as possible so you can castle early.

    Move pawn to e4 on your first move.

    Then focus on controlling the center of the board.

    Always capture towards the center whenever possible.

    Avoid placing knights and bishops on the edge of the board.

    Use pawns to support bigger pieces, never have bigger pieces support other big pieces or pawns. This will keep stronger pieces available for attacks.

    Always ask yourself, "If I were my opponent, what would be my next best move?" Then find a way to either prevent that move or plan a counter move that will make your opponent sorry for making his.

    If you are even in material or slightly ahead, don't be afraid to trade off pieces evenly including queens. This will clear the board of clutter and make your lead more obvious. It will also make for a quicker game.

    *Remember that a lone bishop can only capture on 50% of the board. (White squares only, or black only depending on the bishop). But a lone knight can capture on 100% of the board. (Both colored squares as he alternates on each move.) This may be important if you have to decide which one to sacrifice or trade off near the end game.

    *Pawns are insignificant at first, but they become mightier as they move forward towards the eighth rank and become queens! Don't underestimate them!

    Seek out a target and hit it! Whenever your opponent leaves a piece unprotected, make that your target!

    Most pieces work better as a team closer together than they do apart.

    Don't just watch for opportunities for forks, pins and skewers. Look for ways to create them! Entice your opponent into those situations with small sacrifices.


    Bruce Pandolfini's book, Beginning Chess is the best book by far that I've seen which will train your eye to see golden opportunities that are regularly overlooked. It's a fun way to learn because it gives you chess drills and scores your perfomance. That way, you can always go through the book again and try to beat your previous best score!

    Also, Susan Polgar's book, Chess Tactics For Champions ($17 at Barnes & Noble) is a great way to learn how to create forks, pins and skewers. My game improved greatly after reading just the first 10 pages! A very exciting book! After spending a little time with it you can't wait to play a game and try out what she shows you! A really great book!!You would probably enjoy her website, too:

    For $10 at Staples you can get the PC software called Majestic Chess. I highly recommend it for this reason...It has a very unique "story mode" which is the most entertaining way to develop your chess skills that I've ever seen! In the story mode, you are riding a horse to progressive locations. At the first location, you are taught chess basics (you may skip any location at any time if you feel already know that particular lesson.) Then, after it teaches you, you are challenged to a drill (a test on what you've learned.) If you pass the test you are given a chess piece to play with in the next challenge. You are given additional pieces as you pass the tests along the journey and you will need them to win the challenges that lie ahead. So, you are being trained piece by piece until you have built an entire chess set to play with. The challenges are excellent and really make you think. The training really does develop your ability to recognize opportunities and pitfalls that you wouldn't have seen before playing this excellent chess game. And a word should be said about the magnificent environments in which you play your games. Very soothing and pleasing visuals and music make this game a joy to play. And of course, you can just play a regular chess game against the computer at any time as you have the nice story mode, or you have the computer opponent ready to play a regular game at any time. So it is a well rounded chess tool.

    Good luck! I hope this helped!

    Castle early!

  3. I suggest you to read some good book:

    "My System" and "Practice of my system" by Nimzowitsch

    help you to understand deeper the secrets of position and how to menage them, giving you solid principles.

    Same for "Mit'spiel" (The middlegame) by Romanovsky, a pure classic. It is a must; every strong player read it.

    And also "Train, think and play like a grand master", by Kotov, a book that teaches you a lot of things and hints to improve your skills. I could suggest you many other books, but these ones are the fundamental.

    Another suggestion, and this is the MOST IMPORTANT:

    always take note of your games and then ANALYZE them, expecially if you lost!! Try to understand where your mistakes were (and find good alternatives) and where your opponent's ones were and why you didn't exploit them. This is the real secret to become stronger and why strong players are like they are.

  4. Traps are fun to do when playing with another beginner however a more advance player with higher ratings will sniff traps outright.  The key is to be a WELL balanced player. Below are some of my tips to improve your game.  There are too many specifics in the game of chess but the general concept to follow are.

    Study and adapt an opening that works well for you.

    Learn defense and counter attacks.

    Read about tempo of the game and control it.

    Learn the difference between open and closed games and adapt to both.

    Some beginner tips:

    Control the center squares

    Develop early (knights before bishops) and castle

    No isolated pawns

    control ranks and files

    Prefer bishop over knight at the end game

  5. You can't just ask that question because it depends on what the other player does and anyway I am not saying that it is dumb of you to ask a question like that, but chess is a game where you need to use your mind. Not just a game like monopoly when all you really do is roll dice and sit there bored.

  6. chess is a game of wits and strategies.  Better study good opening moves and game variations first then it's up to you on how to finish the game.

  7. my advice to you would be to try playing lower rated opponents until you become more skilled in the game. and then you can play higher rated ones later. everything takes practice..... especially chess!!

  8. practice and experience are key in chess, the more you play generally the better you are. you can also look up strageties that are known to be very effective, but all it really comes down to is second guessing your opponent, if you can't do that then you will lose, and trapping them effectively.

  9. I suggest you try a movement called castelling.

    Put castelling into google and im sure there will be many tutorials.

  10. Hi,

         You may like to visit my personal chess web page - link below?  Lots of tips & advice on how to win - extensive!!!



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