
How can I write an excellent mystery story?

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I have an upcoming assignment in school. I'm in 7th grade and my English teacher wants us to write a mystery story. In the story we have to include some irony, twists, and unexpected moves that the characters will make.

I just want to know the guidelines for how to create an excellent mystery story that has twists and turns in it. Please include how to make the beginning so that it will suck the reader in to read more and how to make an amazing ending that you might not see coming to wrap it all up.




  1. Research before you write and you will come up with a good idea.

  2. No one can do those things but you, sorry. Try the old "what if" game. Like:  What if a young boy was kidnapped in front of his home? And what if it wasn't REALLY a kidnapping, but rather a [whatever] instead. And what if, while his family thought he was dead he was really [whatever]

    The "but he was really" part are known as twists and turns. No matter what your plot turns out to be, make sure the ending makes sense, and isn't real obvious to readers. And don't leave the teacher to try and figure out the ending. That's a cop out.

    To start off fast, start where the action begins, not before it. Like for example, my plot would start out with the boy being dragged into the van, NOT with him getting up that morning, going to school, or eating in a cafeteria. Good luck.

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