
How can Israel and Palestine compromise?

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how can they compromise

1.without violence

2. build trust!!!!




  1. The jews move to central Africa or to Antartica.

    My 2 cents.

  2. Treat each other like fellow human beings,both sides fall short on that point. Both sides stop the denial of the other sides existence and live in the present instead of the past. There can't be any serious negotiations/peace while claiming the the other side is non-existent. Neither side has the moral high ground and there are people on both sides that will sabotage any peace efforts.

    If it is not solved now then you are leaving a mess for future generations. Do people really want hate,death and violence to be their childrens inheritance?

  3. The Israeli must end Zionism colonial ideology or reform it and have a written constitution to protect the native Palestinian rights.

    25% of the Israeli population is made of none Jews and the Israeli Jews must understand that Israel will never be a Jewish state in a democratic country.

    This is the only way to build trust toward viable democratic state for both the native people and the colonists.

  4. palestinians do not know how to live without violence. it is bred into them.

    compromise?  as in returning the gaza strip in return for 1000 s of quassam rockets ?

    compromise ? the security of israel and its people will never be compromised.

  5. ROCKBAND678,

    You can write your report like this.  To build trust the Israelis need to see the PA doing what they need to do to get control of their terrorists.  The PA has a HUGE Arab and Islamic extremist issue, HUGE, REALLY BIG LARGE. Your report says non-violent, so there you go.  Here are a couple links to show you the HUMONGOUS problem with palestinian violence.  They are teaching their children to martyr. It is lasting generations and this is one of the reasons why. They are teaching new generations.  So trust and no violence?  Well here you go, have the Palestinians work on this:  

    Encouraging martyrdom in children while berating Abbas' peacemaking efforts:

    Mickey Mouse/refusal to remove Jihad from children's programming:

    Bee Replaces Mickey Mouse, vows Martyrdom and path of mujahideen to take revenge:

    Bunny replaces Bee, gets in conversation with the child acknowledging "we are all martyrdom seekers." Wants to eat Jews.

    America and Israel is trying to help them take control of the violence in Judea/Samaria Region (west bank):

    Israelis have already exhibited that they can compromise.  They have abandoned Gaza thru the Sharon/Bush disengagement plan Israelis were torn from their homes to make room for palestinians.  It has never been able to be implemented past that due to the violence coming from Gaza.  Here is a link to help with how much the Israelis have ALREADY compromised prior to this, and what the palestinians have already turned down (as chances for a home state):

    Add to this compromise the fact that everyone has just been "had" at the expense of land and lives, there really is no such thing as a "palestinian people" (they are all arabs to a region is all they are) : so you will see huge compromise already from Israeli side. It is at point of ridiculous now how much compromise and restraint Israel has exhibited.

    Regarding lifting of blockade, that is not going to happen. Blockades are acceptable means of defense in times of war and a peaceful alternative to bombs. Anyways,  Hamas already admitted a cease fire and lifting of any blockade would only serve to "re-generate" their efforts. They aren't stopping rockets for nothing.  (source: memritv.)

    Everything is stalled due to the violence.

    Good luck on your report.

  6. Well, right now this all depends on the Palestinians.  The Israelis provide access to jobs when the Extremists are not forcing military actions or border closings.

    Right now, there are too many Palestinian Organizations which are not working to represent the entire people.  This means that there is no one reliable to negotiate with.  The one that is currently in power vows to eliminate Israel.

  7. Someone said it above, but there currently exists no single voice to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people. The government is not in control of the military, and militant groups run rogue, outside of the law. Unless everyone on their end is working in unison, no plans put forward by the Israelis will work.

    Without any violence may be a stretch. Here is a realistic plan: The more westernized and liberal Middle Eastern countries need to intervene with Palestine. Lets say...Egypt, uses it's military to subdue the Palestinian militant groups and quell violence long enough to allow the legitimate Palestinian government make a peace agreement with Israel. I say use a Middle Eastern country because they are less likely to face hostility from Hamas or whatever.

    Programs need to be offered that encourage cross culturalism. The problem is that while the majority on either side may want a peaceful coexistance, you can realistically expect jihadis to blow up (literally) any attempt for such peace. Physically securing both Peoples, while at the same time encourage peace and integration is a very difficult challenge.

  8. "Compromise" is the act of each side giving up something to gain something else (as in "land for peace"). For Israel/Palestine, this has proved largely unworkable. In the European model, almost nothing is given up, and the "something else"-- that which seemed utterly impossible one war ago, peace, cooperation, a shared life without loss of individual identity -- is still gained. No member state or people is asked to compromise its dream; instead, a "co-promise" is extended, each to the other, rather more like a marriage than an accord or roadmap.

    This article might help you, it hasn't helped the two sides, good luck

  9. You do not know history if you seriously believe the zionists have any intention of permitting a Palestinian State,now or ever. They will leave the WB when they are forced to do so,and peace is the last thing they love,to go by their bloodthristy history. The country needs a revolution.

  10. Both sides are mutually disrespectful.  There seems to be no end to the hatred and retaliation.  Currently, the Palestinians seem to be suffering the most and are dependent on the people they distrust the most for their most basic needs (e.g. electricity, commodities, water, etc).  This creates extreme resentment and further emboldens Hamas (the ruling government of Gaza).  What needs to happen is serious and sustained dialogue to keep the lines of communication open; immediate humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and a reigning in of rogue militants that initiate the lobbing of rockets into Israeli territory. Military might to punish Palestinians will not solve this problem - it just makes it worse each time.  Pulling in a neutral country (Egypt?) maybe to mediate would be helpful for an on-going diplomatic effort.

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