
How can John Mccain call himself a Christian when he does unchristian things?

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Such things as cheating on his wife....fornicating and adulterating.

Then leaving said wife and his 3 children for his current wife.

Because she was richer...greed my friends.

Called his wife (current) a **** (starts with C and rhymes with hunt) and a trollop...and that's in public, who knows what he has said in private.

McCain physically assaulted a POW/MIA Vietnam soldier's family member...but the Senate Ethics Committee refused to investigate even though 5 complaints by 5 of the 15 eye witnesses were filed.

I could go on with other instances of things he has done, but this is long enough.

If John McCain is a Christian, what did he do those things?




  1. All Christians sin, first off. He is really saying he is NOT Catholic,Jewish, nor Muslim.But, you are right.His moral code stinks.Too bad he is the best of the 2.I have no choice but to vote for him.

  2. I first ask this, Have you walked a mile in his shoes? Have you been in a POW camp? have you even been in the service?

    I have been. I know what they do to you and how they can break even the strongest person.

    Are you a perfect Christian, following the rules to a tee? Before you answer,"Yes", remember the passage, "Judge not lest ye be judged and found wanting."

  3. Every Christian I know has messed up and made mistakes.  The wonder of Christ's love is that no matter what the sin, He will forgive us and then forget the sin if we ask Him. God bless!

  4. It is how every other christian calls them selves Christian!!

  5. i didn't know that he called himself a christian.

  6. John McCain is a Christian. And John McCain is hypocritical about his beliefs. Why is this surprising to you?

  7. You forgot to mention that the wife he cheated on and left was crippled for life.   He is corupt professionally and personally.

  8. He can get away with it because he has an R after his name.  Duh!

  9. How can someone who understands Christianity not recognize that redemption is possible and that we shouldnt continually dwell on the wrong  someone did decades ago in weak moments?

  10. Why do Christians call themselves Christians, when they do unchristianly things?

  11. every christan knows the story of mcain and able cain slew his brother able cause cain was he first antichrist who slew the first christ able ;

    Don McClanen thinks a condition called pleonexia has overtaken the U.S. 'Pleonexia is an insatiable need for more of what I already have, and it has penetrated our culture to the point where people are angry at the poor,' he states."

    Jaye Scholl; Don McClanen Offers the Wealthy a Different Kind of Freedom; Barron's (New York); Sep 18, 2000.

  12. because every1 has slip-ups and does sins. The whole point of Jesus dying for our sins is that no one is perfect, and that no one- even Christians- are any better than others.  All are precious in Jesus' eyes, and God and Jesus want to save all, but all can't be saved WITHOUT jesus because all commit sins.  In God's eyes, a sin is a sin, and just one makes you unfit to be in his holy, perfect presence- except with Jesus to forgive your sins and let u enter the kingdom of heaven by accepting jesus into your heart.

    so in essence, McCain being a Christian has almost nothing to do with how he acts; even the best, most trying, most strict Christians frequently commit sins.  McCain is a Christian because of 1 thing-

    he isn't so selfish to think that he is God, or that humans are Gods, like liberals think.

    Liberals think that we have the right to know everything about the universe, kill babies, and God doesn't exist, and that we can be homosexual etc. etc.

    So in short, Christians may DO sins- but we disapprove of them.

    atheists/liberals EMBRACE sin, they WANT to be as far from God as possible- satan is in their hearts, and they do not yet know it.

  13. But...

    You know, I can't even pretend to justify that, not even as a joke. That people would vote for him over Obama is a disheartening thought, not because he'd be president but because what it says about how stupid people have become.

    No matter, he will never get elected now. He has had cancer FOUR times, and he is too old, and now look who gets into office if he dies... an anti-choice beauty queen with 18 months of political experience... in ALASKA?! LOL, it would save a lot of $ if he just dropped out now. Why bother?

  14. Oh but he was a POW in Vietnam and had PTSD.

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